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The first writing on wood...

Shelf of scribe, Thèbes, High-Egypt, VIe century BC
Shelf of scribe, Thèbes, High-Egypt, VIe century BC

Creations Bois | Atelier Doreau : BNFthanks to the National Library of France...
  • Shelf of scribe, Thèbes, High-Egypt, VIe century BC
  • Book in poplar, Udânavarga de Subashi, China, end of IIIe century
  • Silk, Sûtra Great Virtue of Wisdom, China, Ve century
  • Pass of caravan, China, Kucha, near 640
  • Ivory, Kammavâcâ, India
  • Small plank of recitation, China, middle of IXe century
  • Fragment of letter in bark of birch, Russia , near 1370
  • Paper of amate, Codex of Veinte Mazorcas, Mexique, XVIe century
  • Ecorse ofhovaha, Sorabé, Madagascar, XVIIe century
  • Sheets of palm tree, Atharvana, India, XVIIIe century
  • Engraved bamboo, South-East Asia, XVIIIe century
  • Jaden book, China, 1790
  • Bark of agalloche, receipts medicinales and magic, Sumatra, XIXe
  • Bamboo, currency, Chine, 1920-1930
  • Walnut tree, pear tree, wooden book, Jouanard (Gil), 1980
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