This collection of wood species, called also xylotheque (from the Greek xylon for "wood" and theque meaning "repository"), with photographs (made from wood species which I use at the workshop), I dreamed about it...since I started to store wood's trunks in 1974. Then, at the end of 2004, I have made it under form of small business cards, one by specie, for my customers (offered with the species collection) and now I hope that you will have a lot of pleasure to have a look to this xylotheque on line...
For wood species from Europe area, called native woods ...., it's pieces of wood that I have selected on foot, cut in board by a sawyer who still practices in old way, then put to dry several years in barns where is no light. For exotic and tropical woods called Tropical woods, from all the other area on earth, Africa, America, Asia ... , many comes from stocks found after closing of local firm (cutlery, tournery of pearls) and wholesalers specialized in the luthier's job, respecting the Convention of Washington...
And don't hesitate to leave me your personal comment on the xylotheque or your questions about the wood's species...
Sometimes you have a link towards a picture of remarkable tree from
A big thank you to Violaine for the English version of the site...
Sort by French name|English name|Latin name|Family|Continent|Density +
French : Sapin
English : Fir tree
German : Tannenbaum
Italian : Abete
Spanish : Abeto
Dutch : Spareboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Abies alba
Family : Pinacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 6 to 25 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.8 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.6
Life : + than 200 years.
His name is "Sapin from Vosges", because of its presence in mid-altitude between 500 and 1700m all over Europe, or "white tree" or "silver fir" for the light color of the wood with growth rings clearly visible. We can recognize it because of its upright cones which fall to mature at year end and its short needles, which shows us one dark line separating two silver bands.
As for the wood, light and soft, the smell a bit stale, I mostly used it in carpentry, as for my first workshop.
Let me a comment on " Sapin " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Erable champĂȘtre
English : Hedge maple
German : Feldahorn
Italian : Acero campestre
Spanish : Arce
Dutch : veldesdoorn
Origin : Europe
Latin : Acer campestre
Family : Acéracées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.8 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.7
Life : more than 100 years.
Present since the Tertiary on our continent, it has been acclimatized in plains until middle Mountain. It is the helicopter tree : its strange fruits with wings, "samares", are still associated by two. Its name comes from the Latin "acer" because the Romans used it for the extremity of spears . When it makes waves, it is used for the background of violins and cellos, because it reverberating the sound.
Let me a comment on " Erable champĂȘtre " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Erable sycomore
English : Sycamore maple
German : Bergahorn
Italian : Arce sicĂłmoro
Spanish : Acero sicomoro
Dutch : Sycomoor
Origin : Europe
Latin : Acer pseudoplatanus
Family : Acéracées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 25 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 1.2 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.7
Life : more than 200...sometimes 500 years.
This giant maples, very prolific, disperses its winged seeds in the wind, so we encounter everywhere his majestic silhouette. I appreciate his wood hard with this satin aspect, either for furniture either for sculpture.
Let me a comment on " Erable sycomore " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Marronnier d'Inde
English : Horse chesnut tree
German : Rosskastanie
Italian : Castagno ippocastano
Spanish : Castaño de indias
Dutch : Paardekastanje
Origin : Montagnes des Balkans
Latin : Aesculus hippocastanum
Family : Hippocastanacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.8 m
Density : from 0.35 to 0.5
Life : more than 100 years...300 years.
No ... it does not come from India but from the southern Eastern Europe (Greece, Bulgaria, northern Turkey) and arrived in France in 1525 ... the last few years it's a victim of a specific illness, that we called in french '' mineuse du marronier '' resulting in brown spots on leaves that fall prematurely during the summer. Deprived of part of its resources, the tree becomes more sensitive to all diseases Because their textures are similar, I use it very often with the European walnut tree to make chess game board or for some cut in marquetry "Boulle" for their opposition of colors.
Let me a comment on " Marronnier d'Inde " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Aulne glutineux
English : Common alder
German : Schwarzerle
Italian : Ontano nero
Spanish : Alano negro
Dutch : Zwarte els
Origin : Europe
Latin : Alnus glutinosa
Family : Bétulacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.4 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.6
Life : less than 100 years.
Also called "aune" or "verne" or "vergne", it would give its name to the Auvergne (aune, vergne), a French province. As it is also the shoes tree...
It can be found on edges of rivers in company of willow wood. And its wood of blood color, when cutting, become brighter when drying, it has the characteristic of being "imputrescible" when it is submerged : a part of Venice poles would be in alder ...
Let me a comment on " Aulne glutineux " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Saint martin rouge
English : Angelin tree
German : Kohlbaum
Italian : Legno faciano
Spanish : Almendro del rio
Dutch : Roodes kabbes
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Andira Coriacea
Family : Fabacées-Papilionacées
Country : Brésil, Guyane
Trunks of wood : from 7 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.6 to 1.8 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.85
Life : more than 100 years.
Also known as "wood angelin" or " cabbagetree" in English... Its name Andira, comes from "Tupi" language, to denote the bat, which spread its seeds...
Its hard wood, reddish brown, has some dots light coloured, the parenchyma, giving it an aspect with lots of contraste, differences in density that are well perceptible to sanding and polishing, but then what a beautiful wood when it's in standing timber and in cut in quarter...
Let me a comment on " Saint martin rouge " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Arbousier
English : Strawberry tree
German : Erdbeerbaum
Italian : Albatro
Spanish : Madroño
Dutch : Aardbeiboomvruchten
Origin : Europe méditerranéenne
Latin : Arbutus unedo
Family : Ericacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 5 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.7
Life : more than 150 years...400 years.
This is the strawberry tree, because its fruits, arbutus, looks alike their. Its tortuous shape , the persistent of its dark green leaves, its white flowers and its red balls, which have matured for one year, give to the tree a kind of magic. The tightened wood grain has also some streaks scarlet for the most beautiful effect.
Let me a comment on " Arbousier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Amarello
English : Yellowyearth
German : Amarillo
Italian : Pau amarello
Spanish : Guatambu
Dutch : Pau amarelo
Origin : Amérique du sud
Latin : Aspidosperma vargasii
Family : Rutacées
Country : Brésil, Guyane
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.6 m
Density : from 0.8 to 0.9
Life : more than 150 years.
Also called boxwood of Brazil. I use it in place of European boxwood because of its color, of its long fibre, even if it is less dense ... which translates into a polished less intense, but a yellow very bright.
Let me a comment on " Amarello " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Bouleau
English : Birch
German : Birke
Italian : Betulla
Spanish : Abedul
Dutch : Berk
Origin : Nord de l'Europe
Latin : Betula pendula
Family : Bétulacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.7
Life : until 100 years.
From the boreal regions, its name dates back to the ancient times, maybe in Sanskrit " Bhurga" which means " the tree that is used to write": the first use of its imprutrescible, rot, bark. It was widely used in woodworking in the 18th century, especially in Russia and Central Europe. Its color is very useful in background furniture and I put the black veins of the heart by contrast with the pearly white wood in carving
Let me a comment on " Bouleau " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Amourette
English : Letterwood
German : Letterholz
Italian : Legno serpante
Spanish : Palo de letras
Dutch : Leterhout
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Brosimum guianense
Family : Moracées
Country : Guyane
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 8 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.4 m
Density : from 1 to 1.15
Life : more than 300 years.
Its use in the manufacture of printed characters earned him his English name : The speckled Letterwood like this one, with its black spots, is used for the manufacture of bows for violin and cello very high end . It's one of the most dense tree that I work, with a beautiful veining but a pronounced tendency to micro-cracks. With experience you learn quickly to recognize the pieces that are speckled, and because you buy it by weight, you have to be careful.
Let me a comment on " Amourette " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Buis
English : Box tree
German : Buchsbaum
Italian : Bosso
Spanish : Boj
Dutch : Busboom
Origin : Europe du sud, Asie Mineure
Latin : Buxus sempervirens
Family : Buxacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 4 m
Diameter : from 0.1 to 0.3 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 500 years.
It's acclimatized to the whole of Europe, from Portugal to England ... because of it slow growth, its wood is fine and tight. It was used since ancient times for many utility objects, games, musical instruments, tools and during 15 th century for engraving and printing. Grace natural branches creates people like the Little Prince. Its finish is delicate because it must be perfect, otherwise the slightest scratch is visible... but then, it's marvellous.
Let me a comment on " Buis " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Charme
English : Hornbeam
German : WeiĂbuche
Italian : Carpine
Spanish : Ojaranzo
Dutch : Haagbeuk
Origin : Asie Mineure
Latin : Carpinus betulus.
Family : Bétulacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 150 years.
Also know as " charmille " (hedge of Hornbeam )when it grows together(release of stump) in the forest. Its dense wood, resistant to shocks, was long used for yokes, hence its Latin name to the Celtic origins "car" : wood, "pen" : head ", but its use is very large, from sleeves of tools to the wheels of ancient cars.
Let me a comment on " Charme " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : ChataĂźgnier
English : Chestnut tree
German : Edelkastanie
Italian : Castagno
Spanish : Castaño
Dutch : Tamme kastanje
Origin : Moyen orient
Latin : Castanea sativa
Family : Fagacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.7
Life : from more than 2000 years.
This is the species of land poor and siliceous ... its chestnuts, also known as "sweets" or "brown" like the color, in French, it fed men for centuries, and its wood is still used in carpentry. It is reputed to remove spiders. Its wood, fragrant, soft, quiet (little nervous) provides me as a kind of serenity...and as the olive tree, it can reach an advanced age, regularly exceeding one century: This one in Zonza in Corsica has several centuries.
Let me a comment on " ChataĂźgnier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : CĂšdre
English : Cedar
German : Zeder
Italian : Cedro
Spanish : Cedro
Dutch : Ceder
Origin : Montagnes du Liban
Latin : Cedrus libanus
Family : Pinacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 8 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 1.2 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.6
Life : from more than 2000 years.
It is the emblem of its native country, Lebanon, where there are still some millennia trees . It was first introduced in England in the 17th century. "Imputrescible" ( rot proof), it was often used in the Middle East to make sarcophagi. His persistent smell stay in the workshop for several days after each use. And the wood, although fragile, is very pleasant to work. Here is a fine example...
Let me a comment on " CĂšdre " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Iroko
English : Iroko
German : Kambala
Italian : Iroko
Spanish : Iroko
Dutch : Iroko
Origin : Afrique tropicale
Latin : Chlorophora excelsa
Family : Moracées
Country : Cameroun,Gabon
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 30 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 1.2 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.7
Life : more than 100 years.
Native from several African countries (Equatorial and Central), it's a victim of the success of its use in flooring.
It has a color very hot, from yellow brown to reddish brown, it darkens, also, in few days to light. When sanding is very precise, its dust can cause irritation, so it must be work under aspiration especially when I turn it..
Let me a comment on " Iroko " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Camphrier
English : Camphor tree
German : Campherbaum
Italian : Camphrier
Spanish : Alcanforero
Dutch : Kamferboom
Origin : Asie, ExtrĂȘme Orient
Latin : Cinnamomum camphora
Family : Lauracées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 4 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.4 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.5
Life : more than 50 years.
Originally from China, where it had been used for its medicinal properties, it's the camphor tree, which is extracted by distillation of its wood. It is true that I am very sensitive to the smell of the species that I work, and for this, the camphor is a treat.
Let me a comment on " Camphrier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Bocote
English : Princewood
German : Bocote
Italian : Bocote
Spanish : Ocotillo mero
Dutch : Bocote
Origin : Mexique
Latin : Cordia eleagnoides
Family : Boraginacées
Country : Mexique
Trunks of wood : from 7 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.9 to 1
Life : more than 100 years.
Often called rosewood of Mexico, but also Spanish elm or "freijĂł". Its wood, light brown to black, often with reflects, has a fine grain that makes it appreciated for the making of violon, and also for beautiful cues. I use it for beautiful ties in wood.
Let me a comment on " Bocote " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Noisetier
English : Hazel tree
German : Haselbaum
Italian : Nocciolo
Spanish : Avellano
Dutch : Hazelaar
Origin : Moyen orient
Latin : Corylus avellana
Family : Bétulacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 2 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.3 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.6
Life : + than 50 years.
Known under this name since the 15th century, otherwise it was the "coudrier", which comes from the Greek "Corus" or helmet, to designate the cap overcoming its fruit. Its Latin name, come from a region of Italy, the Aveline, where it grows in abundance.
Used for its flexibility by dowsers to detect the flow of groundwater ... and it works, I met an old employee of a union of municipal water who showed me how to use it ... The wood, often slightly ounded, presents a beautiful pearly aspect.
Let me a comment on " Noisetier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Aubépine
English : Hawthorn
German : WeiĂdorn
Italian : Cratego
Spanish : Espino
Dutch : Meidoorn
Origin : Europe
Latin : Crataegus monogyna
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 4 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than one century.
It is the white thorn, because of fire blight, it disappears from our regions. What irony of fate for species that might become millennium: Hawthorn from Saint Mars la Futaie in Mayenne. Long used as impenetrable fence around the fields, the regrouping of the countryside has contributed also to its elimination. Too bad, because I appreciate the wood, slightly rose colour with a fine-grained, even if a little nervous.
Let me a comment on " Aubépine " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Cyprés
English : Cupress
German : Cypress
Italian : Cipresso
Spanish : Ciprés
Dutch : Cypres
Origin : Proche Orient
Latin : Cupressus sempervirens.
Family : Cupressacées
Country : Méditerrannée
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.6 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.5
Life : more than 1000 years.
Its name comes from the Greek kuparissos "Cyprus" to describe its region of origin. the Romans have planted this tree throughout the Mediterranean. He took part in the magical landscape of Tuscany. Its rot proof wood, a symbol of immortality, was already used by the Egyptians to make sarcophagi, by the Phoenicians, Greeks for their temples. Its strong smell, stays in the workshop each time for several days.
Let me a comment on " Cyprés " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Cognassier
English : Quince tree
German : Quittenbaum
Italian : Cotogno
Spanish : Membrillo
Dutch : Kweepeerboom
Origin : Asie Centrale
Latin : Cydonia oblonga
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 2 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.4 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.7
Life : more than 70 years.
Originally from Asia, has been cultivated since ages in the south of France. This small shrub can reach more than 4 meters high, can grow in almost all land, except limestone, but it needs cold winters to make appear magnificent white flowers. The wood offers a palette of colors marked from cream color to orange and has a very pleasant smell, the same than the fruit very attenuated. The dark line whom its degraded until the heart is a beauty.
Let me a comment on " Cognassier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Bois de violette
English : Kingwood
German : Konigsholz
Italian : Legno viola
Spanish : Madera violeta
Dutch : Violettehout
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Dalbergia cearensis
Family : Fabacées
Country : Brésil, Vénézuéla
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 12 m
Diameter : from 0.1 to 0.3 m
Density : from 0.8 to 1.1
Life : more than 200 years.
Owes its name only to its color ... primarily used in fine sheets for the beautiful marquetry. The cuts in four or quarter, made from a full trunk, gives absolutely beautiful veining.
Let me a comment on " Bois de violette " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Bois de rose
English : Tulipwood
German : Rosenholz
Italian : Legno di rosa
Spanish : Madera rosa
Dutch : Rooshout
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Dalbergia decipularis
Family : Fabacées
Country : Guyane, Brésil
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.9
Life : more than 200 years.
From the family of rosewood, formerly known as pink rosewood , because of its color, not its origin. Its English name comes from its frequent use in marquetry in order to make flowers. Its wood, veined with light pink color to dark pink when we work on it releases a very pleasant smell.
Let me a comment on " Bois de rose " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Palissandre de l'Inde
English : Indian rosewood
German : Ostindischer Palisander
Italian : Palissandro del Indio
Spanish : Palisandro de Indio
Dutch : Indië rooshout
Origin : Inde
Latin : Dalbergia latifolia
Family : Fabacées-Papilionacées
Country : Madagascar
Trunks of wood : from 3 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.8 to 1
Life : more than 200 years.
As it is more readily available than the Brazilian rosewood, it has been used since the mid-20th century violin making and marquetry. Featuring the same features but with a wood less fatty, almost dry, and a range of colors supported, oriented toward the red, it reveals an interlaced absolutely beautiful veining when cut into quarters
Let me a comment on " Palissandre de l'Inde " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Palissandre du Brésil
English : Rio rosewood
German : Bresil rosenholz
Italian : Palissandro
Spanish : Palisandro
Dutch : Bresil rooshout
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Dalbergia nigra
Family : Fabacées
Country : Brésil
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 12 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.8 to 1.1
Life : more than 200 years.
This is the most beautiful rosewood, used since many years in violin making, marquetry, due to its range of colors from brown striped with red, dark brown mottling and lighter shades, orange, pink. Its dense wood, enough fatty, gives off a characteristic smell slightly sweet to heat, becomes super at polishing. I had the opportunity, at the request of a former client, to realised a cut into quarters for a tie... Magnificent.
Let me a comment on " Palissandre du Brésil " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Cocobolo
English : Mexicanrosewood
German : Cocobolo
Italian : Cocobolo
Spanish : Cocobolo
Dutch : Cocobolo
Origin : Amérique Centrale
Latin : Dalbergia retusa
Family : Fabacées
Country : Mexique
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.3 m
Density : from 0.9 to 1.1
Life : more than 200 years.
Also called "wood ghost" ... I understand why only that day when I made a cut in quarter ... because then, if we are lucky, there is a multitude of small ghosts ...
The wood grain tight, dense, slightly fatty, is orange-red to brown, with some darker veins irregular almost black. it requires some caution since warmed it tends to irritate the nose, throat but then it became wonderful once polished.
Let me a comment on " Cocobolo " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : EbĂšne de Macassar
English : Macassar ebony
German : Ebenbaum
Italian : Ebano
Spanish : Ebano
Dutch : Ebbeboom
Origin : Asie
Latin : Diospyros celebica
Family : Ebénacées
Country : Cambodge, Vietnam
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 12 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.6 m
Density : from 1 to 1.2
Life : more than 200 years.
Its name comes from a town in Indonesia, Macassar ... Also called "ebony wood gold" because streaks golden blond, sometimes red on the wood dark brown, almost black. In English is often called "Marblewood."
A little less hard than African Ebony , it is also pleasant to work and shows no difference in density despite its marbled texture. Its golden highlights mixed with deep black color become beautiful when polished.
Let me a comment on " EbĂšne de Macassar " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : EbĂšne
English : African ebony
German : Ebenbaum
Italian : Ebano
Spanish : Ebano
Dutch : Ebbelboom
Origin : Afrique tropicale
Latin : Diospyros crassiflora
Family : Ebénacées
Country : Gabon, Congo
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 1 to 1.2
Life : more than 200 years.
In Greece, his name was already "ebonos".... he gave his name to the artists or craftsmen who used it to make some beautiful furniture.... Thank you Sir Boulle.
It's a dense and heavy wood, chosen uniformly black for lutherie's pieces, it sparkles in the light due to the presence of crystals of acid Oxalic and once polished, has an incomparable silky touch....
Let me a comment on " EbĂšne " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : BruyĂšre
English : Briar burr
German : Heide
Italian : Brezo
Spanish : Brezo
Dutch : Branderij
Origin : Europe
Latin : Erica arborea
Family : Ericacées
Country : Méditerranée
Trunks of wood : from 0 to 0 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 50 years.
Absolutely beautiful when it is covered with white flowers, is the root of heather that is used, cut into small blocks and then boiled to remove any sap. We get then the famous roughly shaped blocks used to manufacture the pipe. During the summer seasons at The Hume, my neighbour was a pipe maker from Saint-Claude , who asked me to preformed his drafts ... These are the parts that I use in thin sheets for inclusions or in rotation pieces for carving. its polished and its veining are superb.
Let me a comment on " BruyĂšre " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Eucalyptus
English : Eucalyptus
German : Eukalyptus
Italian : Eucalypto
Spanish : Eucalypto
Dutch : Eucalyptus
Origin : Australie
Latin : Eucalyptus gunnii
Family : Myrtacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.5 to 1 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 100 years.
It is the largest family with more than 500 varieties, present in the Sunda islands and of course in its region of origin, Australia ... The color blue has given its name to Blues Mountainscovered by eucalyptus, near Sydney Violaine ... thank you. Where it is strongly present, its dense wood, in marked veining, is used as lumber, carpentry and even for making barrels as in Portugal.
Let me a comment on " Eucalyptus " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : HĂȘtre
English : Beech
German : Buche
Italian : Faggio
Spanish : Haya
Dutch : Beurkeboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Fagus sylvatica
Family : Fagacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 16 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 1 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 300 years.
After oak , it's the most important specie of our forests. Says shadow, as it is well, without suffering, under other trees at the beginning, before supplant them, and then it takes all the light. Its wood white, slightly rose, very homogeneous, stained easily, makes it an excellent specie of carpentry and cabinetmaking.
Let me a comment on " HĂȘtre " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Figuier
English : Fig tree
German : Feigenbaum
Italian : Fico
Spanish : Higuera
Dutch : Vijgeboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Ficus carica
Family : Moracées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 3 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 200 ans.
Originally from West Asia, the cradle of first civilizations, it settled down for several centuries throughout the Mediterranean basin. Now it goes back slowly until Britain ... Gift from gods in Egypt, its fruit became one of the bases of food of the Greeks and Romans ...
Its wood striped, with flames a bit darker, is truly beautiful in the rounded pieces.
Let me a comment on " Figuier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : FrĂȘne
English : Ash
German : Esche
Italian : Frassino
Spanish : Fresno
Dutch : Esselboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Fraxinus excelsior
Family : Oléacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 3 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : + than 150 years.
This is the specie of light, preferring rich ground, we can find it in all the forests of Europe. Used once by cartmen, its wood, white slightly rose, is an equivalent of oak, which replaces it often in the furniture once stained.
Let me a comment on " FrĂȘne " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Bubinga
English : Bubinga
German : Bubinga
Italian : Bubinga
Spanish : Bubinga
Dutch : Bubinga
Origin : Afrique tropicale
Latin : Guibourtia demeusei
Family : Fabacées-Césalpiniacées
Country : Cameroun,Gabon
Trunks of wood : from 15 to 25 m
Diameter : from 1 to 1.5 m
Density : from 0.8 to 0.9
Life : more than 200 years.
Its wood is a beautiful reddish brown, especially used in cabinetmaker. Because of its tight grain, I use it a lot in turning very fine, or eccentric, and even if its smell is not really pleasant, the final report is perfect.
Let me a comment on " Bubinga " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Pernambouc
English : Brazilwood
German : Brazilienholz
Italian : Legno rosso del Brasile
Spanish : Brasiletto
Dutch : Ebbeboom
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Guilandina echinata
Family : Fabacées-Césalpiniacées
Country : Brésil
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 1 to 1.2
Life : more than 200 years.
Its name comes from a province of Brazil, where come from Brazilwood, and also from its Portuguese name of Wood-Brazil : Pau Brazil. At the 17th century, it was mostly used as a dye. From Orange color, its wood darkens very quickly to light. Currently the subject of an extensive reforestation program, it is also used to make bows for violin and cello
Let me a comment on " Pernambouc " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Jatoba
English : Courbaril
German : Locustholz
Italian : Nere
Spanish : Algaborillo
Dutch : Rodelocust
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Hymenaea courbaril
Family : Fabacées-Césalpiniacées
Country : Brésil
Trunks of wood : from 7 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.8 to 0.9
Life : more than 200 years.
Also called "jatoba", it is one of the trees that make up the Amazon canopy. This tree, like all those of his family : "Hyménées ", produces a resin, the courbarine or gum copal, long used by the natives of South America as a medicine to treat diarrhea, dysentery. From light brown color with shades of orange, its wood, fine grain, has straight lines, is a bit difficult to work but with a superb finish.
Let me a comment on " Jatoba " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Houx
English : Holly tree
German : Stechpalme
Italian : Agrifoglio
Spanish : Acebo
Dutch : Hulst
Origin : Europe
Latin : Ilex aquifolium
Family : Aquifoliacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 8 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.9
Life : more than 200 years.
Its Latin name "aquifolium" comes from its sharped leaves (acus, folium). Since antiquity,it is the species of the winter solstice, with its foliage and its persistent red berries that mature in late December.
Hollywood, it's also the name for a very small ranch on an hill at the west of Los Angeles in 1886...
Wood dense, once polished looks almost like ivory ...As the little mermaid, figurehead of Jonas , souviens-toi comme la mer est belle...
Let me a comment on " Houx " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Merbau
English : Ironwood
German : Merbau
Italian : Inzia
Spanish : Merbau
Dutch : Merbau
Origin : Asie
Latin : Intsia bijuga
Family : Fabacées-Césalpiniacées
Country : Philippines
Trunks of wood : from 7 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 150 years.
Originally from Asia, especially Malaysia. Its wood, with medium grain, often with a lots of silica, ranging in color from yellow to brown, has the particularity to darken with the light until turn red.
Easy to work despite its hardness, I use it for red ties, with copper tint, very beautiful ...
Let me a comment on " Merbau " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Noyer noir
English : Black walnut
German : Schwarznussbaum
Italian : Noce nero
Spanish : Nogal Negro
Dutch : Zwart noteboom
Origin : Amérique du Nord
Latin : Juglans nigra
Family : Juglandacées
Country : Etats unis
Trunks of wood : from 8 to 16 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.9 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.6
Life : more than 300 years.
Native of the eastern Unites States, it was introduced in Europe around 1686. Much bigger than the common walnut tree, it's its very dark bark wich give its name of " black walnut". In addition its nuts are not oval but almost round. its wood, heavy and very homogeneous, which is also dark, almost black, takes a superb polished that I use often to built cheesboards and go games.
Let me a comment on " Noyer noir " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Noyer
English : Walnut tree
German : Nussbaum
Italian : Noce
Spanish : Nogal
Dutch : Noteboom
Origin : Asie Mineure
Latin : Juglans regia
Family : Juglandacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 6 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 0.8 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.8
Life : more than 200 ans.
Bring back by the Persians from Asia, adopted by the Greeks, cultivated by the Romans throughout the empire, they gave it its name of "Jupiter's acorn": Juglans (from Jovis, Jupiter and glans, acorn).
Its tight grain and especially its dark color has been appreciate by cabinet makers when they had to find another specie than ebony for beautiful furniture, often with a dye because only its heart is really black. It also provided quite a surprise when you bought it on feet , but its color shades of grey, red and black are naturally beautiful.
Let me a comment on " Noyer " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Genévrier oxycÚdre
English : Red juniper
German : Zwergzeder
Italian : Ginepro pungente
Spanish : Oxicedro
Dutch : Stekelige jeneverbes
Origin : Europe méditerranéenne
Latin : Juniperus oxycedrus
Family : Cupressacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 3 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.6 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.6
Life : more than 300 years.
It 's the juniper large fruit with very sharp leaves (oxy) hence its name, whom has two white stripes on the top. Its wood has a good smell, with a fine grain, it is also called "Cade" and was widely used in statuary sculpture , surely because of its side rot proof.
Let me a comment on " Genévrier oxycÚdre " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Genévrier de Virginie
English : Eastern red cedar
German : Virginische bleistiftholz
Italian : Ginepro della Virginia
Spanish : Sabina virginiana
Dutch : Amerikaanse jeneverbes
Origin : Amérique du nord
Latin : Juniperus virginiana
Family : Cupressacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.5
Life : more than 100 years.
As it's often use to manufacture pencils paper or pencils crayons, it has become "the cedar pencil ", gradually replacing the linden tree. We win in color, but we lose in taste ... this special flavor that reminds me of those days spent on the benches of a small campaign school.
Let me a comment on " Genévrier de Virginie " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Acajou d'Afrique
English : African mahogany
German : Afrikanisches mahagoni
Italian : Acajou
Spanish : Acajou
Dutch : Mahonieboom
Origin : Afrique tropicale
Latin : Khaya ivorensis
Family : Méliacées
Country : Ghana, Cote d'ivoire
Trunks of wood : from 15 to 25 m
Diameter : from 0.6 to 1.2 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.6
Life : more than 300 years.
Used since the end of the 19 century, in thin thickness, because the American mahogany got scarce. Its name in Portuguese "caju" means the tree who produce cashew nuts, so the cashewtree, would have been taken the word in tupi language "acajĂč" and by mistake in French. Its wood, with fine grain, pink when you cut it becomes violet after a while, to finish in a very dark red. Moreover, it presents a very nice satin look polishing.
Let me a comment on " Acajou d'Afrique " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Cytise
English : Golden chain
German : Bohenbaum
Italian : Cytise
Spanish : Citiso
Dutch : Goudenregen
Origin : Europe méridionale
Latin : Laburnum anagyroides
Family : Fabacées-Papilionacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 3 to 4 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.4 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 50 years.
Its name comes from the Greek Kytisos. Easily identifiable in May, June because of its flower clusters, similar to those of the locust tree (false acacia), but are bright yellow. And do not make donuts, because its fruits are toxic. Its wood, which ranges from golden yellow to black, earned him the appellation of "golden rain" visible in its English name of "golden chain tree" and for his deep black, the nickname of "false ebony" or "ebony indigenous" and as it is very dense, we get a pearly surface of the most beautiful effect.
Let me a comment on " Cytise " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Laurier
English : Bay tree
German : Lorbeerbaum
Italian : Lauro
Spanish : Laurel
Dutch : Laurierboom
Origin : Asie Mineure
Latin : Laurus nobilis
Family : Lauracées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 3 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.4 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 100 years.
The laurel was intended to crown the winner. As its red berries (in Latin, bacca) often adorned the crown, it gave "Bachelor"...Native from the Mediterranean area , it enjoys full sun, but adapted well across Europe. Its wood orange, with very fine grain, lends itself perfectly to the wood carving.
Let me a comment on " Laurier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Osage
English : Bow wood
German : Bogenholz
Italian : Moro degli osagi
Spanish : Madera de arco
Dutch : Osagedoorn
Origin : Amérique du Nord
Latin : Maclura pomifera
Family : Moracées
Country : Etats unis
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 200 ans.
Called " the Osage Orange tree ", its yellow wood at the beginning, quickly darkens to light and become orange. Used before by an indian tribe in North America, the Osages, who used it to make bows. Its united color, deep, very bright delights me every time.
Let me a comment on " Osage " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Pommier
English : Apple tree
German : Apfelbaum
Italian : Melo comune
Spanish : Manzano
Dutch : Appelboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Malus domestica
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 4 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.6
Life : + than 50 years.
Present in Europe since the antiquity , the Romans called "pomum", which means all pip fruit. Its wood, with warmer colourful and and more veined than pear tree, which depending on the variety of fruit, is very pleasant to work. The only difficulty is to arrive to find large apple trees that are not hollow in the middle. ... What was my disappointment when on a whole plantation, I do finally found a dozen only ...
Let me a comment on " Pommier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Bois serpent
English : Snakewood
German : SchildkrĂŽtesholz
Italian : Angelim rajado
Spanish : Madera serpiente
Dutch : Stanghout
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Marmoroxylon racemosum
Family : Fabacées
Country : Guyane
Trunks of wood : from 15 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.7 m
Density : from 1 to 1.2
Life : more than 300 years.
Its fiber wood , from a deep yellow, marbled with irregular large spots has dark brown veins with darker shades who looks like of the scales of a snake. Difficult to work because of its hardness, it offers a superb final polished all in nuance. Present in the primary forest of the Amazon basin, it is also in some national parks of the primary forest in Australia.
Let me a comment on " Bois serpent " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : NĂ©flier
English : Medlartree
German : Mespelbaum
Italian : Nespolo
Spanish : Nispolero
Dutch : Mispelboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Mespilus germanica
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 2 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.3 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.6
Life : + than 100 years.
Also called "mĂȘlier", "mesplier", originally from Western Asia (Persia, Balkans), it was introduced in Europe there are more than 2 centuries ...
Its fruits, medlar, will be pick up after frost and we must wait until they are very ripe to be eaten. Because of its slow growth, its wood hard, has a very fine grain. Formerly used to make sticks and canes, it is still in the Basque country, famous for its walking stick and defense, the makhila...
Let me a comment on " NĂ©flier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Zingana
English : Zebrawood
German : Zebraholz
Italian : Zingana
Spanish : Zingana
Dutch : Zebrano
Origin : Afrique tropicale
Latin : Microberlinia brazzavillensis
Family : Fabacées-Césalpiniacées
Country : Cameroun, Gabon
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.6 to 1 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 200 years.
Mainly originally from western Cameroon, from the English-speaking part of the country, it is a species that begins to disappear ... (thank you P. Senard)
It's also called the "zebrano" because of the very special design of its veining, adopted in English. Its grain fairly homogeneous, unlike its veining, requires a very fine sanding, because of its propensity to reverse thread, which often creates a fluffy effect, but ultimately what a pleasure for the eyes.
Let me a comment on " Zingana " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Wengé
English : Wengé
German : Wenge
Italian : Wengé
Spanish : Palissandro del Congo
Dutch : Wengé
Origin : Afrique tropicale
Latin : Millettia Laurentii
Family : Fabacées
Country : Cameroun, Congo
Trunks of wood : from 8 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.5 to 1 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 200 years.
Also called " rosewood of Congo" or "wenge" because it comes from forests bordering the Congo River basin. Yellow when cut, it takes the black color on drying. Its bicolor veining, dark brown with thin black veins with a lots of contrast, is really beautiful and the few cuts into quarters, pose a very unique tracery.
Let me a comment on " Wengé " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Mûrier
English : Mulberry
German : Maulbeerbaum
Italian : Gelso
Spanish : Morera
Dutch : Moerbeiboom
Origin : Perse
Latin : Morus nigra
Family : Moracées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 4 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : + than 150 years.
Originally from West Asia, the ancient kingdom of Persia, where it was cultivated for fruit, both sweet and acid, which are completely neglected today, perhaps because of their fragility. His hardwood, from a beautiful yellow gold, has pearly shades really beautiful.
Let me a comment on " Mûrier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Palmier noir
English : Black palm
German : Schwarz palmbaum
Italian : Palma nera
Spanish : Palmera negra
Dutch : Zwarte palm
Origin : Amérique du Sud
Latin : Oenocarpus bataua
Family : Arecacées
Country : Colombie, Equateur
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.4 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 200 ans.
Also called "patawa" it's a major monocot palm (a single trunk), reaching the canopy, which are few in the Guyanese forest, recognizable by their long flowers pending shaped like ponytail. The fruit pulp is used to prepare a popular beverage and oil that can be extracted from fruits of the "patawa " has properties very similar to those of olive oil ! The wood from the outside of the trunk, has a beautiful black colour striated with white soft points
Let me a comment on " Palmier noir " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Olivier
English : Olive tree
German : Ălbaum
Italian : Olivo
Spanish : Olivo
Dutch : Olijfboom
Origin : Moyen Orient
Latin : Olea europaea
Family : Oléacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 3 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.8 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.9
Life : from 200...more than 2000 years.
With this wood, you don't count by years but by centuries. Drawings olive tree appear on Egyptian monuments dating back tens of millennia. Its planting, for the culture, on the Mediterranean starts ago over 5000 years...and it's also the tree of the Bible, with the Mount of Olives...
so if you want to see an old venerable, over 2000 years, this is one of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin (Alpes-Maritimes, France).
Long relegated to utilitarian objects, its wood, heavy and dense, beautifully veined begins to take its credentials in turning and sculpture.
Let me a comment on " Olivier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Amarante
English : Purplewood
German : Violettholz
Italian : Legno amarante
Spanish : Paloconcha
Dutch : Amarantehout
Origin : Amérique centrale
Latin : Peltogyne pubescens
Family : Fabacées-Césalpiniacées
Country : Brésil, Guyane
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 1 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 200 years.
Formerly known falsely like the wood of China , for its exotic and valuable part ... it gave its name to the color. But it's the evaporation of a resinous material in its fiber, which after few hours, allow the increase of its shade from gray to purple. His work is easy because the wood does not contain silica. The polishing reinforces pleasantly its veining giving an effect that strengthens the depth ... absolutely beautiful.
Let me a comment on " Amarante " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Pin sylvestre
English : Scots Pine
German : Waldkiefer
Italian : Pino silvestre
Spanish : Pino silvestre
Dutch : Grove den
Origin : Europe
Latin : Pinus sylvestris
Family : Pinacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 30 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 1 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.7
Life : de 150...Ă 600 ans.
It is a specie from middle mountain, presents between 600 and 1000m, from Europe to Siberia. Recognizable by their long needles, connected by two, a beautiful bluish green, by its small pointed cones fitted with a small stem and by its orange bark.
The wood, although very resinous, is perfect for interior design.
Let me a comment on " Pin sylvestre " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Poirier
English : Pear tree
German : Birnbaum
Italian : Pero
Spanish : Peral
Dutch : Perelboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Pirus communis
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 5 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1.1 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : from 200 years.
Its cultivation in Europe is very old, with a stunning adaptation to any terrain, which gave us a multitude of varieties. And its wood with pink grain, is a marvel to work, both in furniture than in fine cutting...
See this Don Quixote See this Don Quixote, made in a pear tree of over one meter in diameter that I cut twenty years ago...
Let me a comment on " Poirier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Poirier marbré
English : Pear tree marbled
German : Birnbaum
Italian : Pero
Spanish : Peral
Dutch : Perelboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Pirus communis
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 5 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : from 200 years.
When the pear tree grows on siliceous soil, its wood takes sometimes amazing colors from light orange to reddish brown, with lighter patches of yellow or green, which come just highlight a more pronounced veining. I book it for some ties and boxes of collections-pianos.
Let me a comment on " Poirier marbré " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Pistachier
English : Pistachio tree
German : Pistazie
Italian : Pistacchio
Spanish : Pistachero
Dutch : Pistacheboom
Origin : Moyen Orient
Latin : Pistacia terebinthus
Family : Anacardiacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 2 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.3 m
Density : from 0.5 to 0.6
Life : + than 100 years.
Mainly presents in the southern Mediterranean, the pistachio-oak, lets flow from its bark, a resin : the turpentine. Its growth is very slow and its fragrant wood has beautiful green veins that I used for a multicolour ball, the largest of three in Astrolabe.
Let me a comment on " Pistachier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Platane
English : Plane tree
German : Platane
Italian : Platano
Spanish : PlĂĄtano
Dutch : Plataan
Origin : Europe
Latin : Platanus Acerifolia
Family : Platanacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 8 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 0.9 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.7
Life : more than 200 years.
It is a crossing between occidental plane tree and oriental plane tree, it appears in Europe around 1660, under the common name of Plane tree or Plane tree with maple leaves. Too bad he's so sensitive at "canker plane tree " brought from the United States around 1945 and now the "graphiose ", as elms, because its wood, with a beautiful graining, easy, has for me an essential quality: the caramel smell ... Have a look at the magnificent plane tree from the castle of Saulchoy, at Soignies in Belgium, which is over 11m in circumference.
Let me a comment on " Platane " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Peuplier
English : Poplar
German : Pappel
Italian : Pioppo
Spanish : Alamo
Dutch : Populier
Origin : Europe
Latin : Populus Alba
Family : Salicacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 18 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.6 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.5
Life : de 100...Ă 300 ans.
Planted by the Romans in public places, it has earned its name from Populus, people and Alba, because of its leaves, which reveal their pearly white below, with the wind.
I use the wood in furniture restoration, for funds and shelves, as they did. Although it is difficult to obtain a perfect finish because of his fluffy side, I like the light that it returns.
Let me a comment on " Peuplier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Abricotier
English : Apricot tree
German : Aprikosenbaum
Italian : Albicocco
Spanish : Albaricoquero
Dutch : Abrikozenboom
Origin : Montagnes de l'Asie Centrale
Latin : Prunus armeniaca
Family : Rosacées-Amygdalacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 4 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.5 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : + than 30 years.
He followed the caravans road, like the sun from east to west ... Its culture in Armenia left him his Latin name. Its wood offers a wonderful range of colors, from yellow with orange touch to reach the red, and sometimes even some very light green. This is my "rainbow" wood.
Let me a comment on " Abricotier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Merisier
English : Wild cherry tree
German : Wildkirsche baum
Italian : Ciliegio selvatico
Spanish : Salvaje cerezo
Dutch : Zoete kers
Origin : Europe
Latin : Prunus avium
Family : Rosacées-Amygdalacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 12 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.7
Life : from 250 years.
This is the wild cherry tree... it owes its name to taste its fruits: cherry and bitter that became "merise". Present since the Tertiary on our continent, the birds that eat its fruit, spread its seeds everywhere. When it grows in the forest, it is the race to light in the middle of other species, with only a terminal crown and a trunk, almost straight, without branches, which then makes the happiness of cabinetmakers. His heavy wood, ranging from light orange to brown, is a marvel under the chisel and especially under the hand ...
Let me a comment on " Merisier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Cerisier
English : Cherrytree
German : Kirschbaum
Italian : Ciliegio
Spanish : Cerezo
Dutch : Kerseboom
Origin : Asie Mineure
Latin : Prunus cerasus
Family : Rosacées-Amygdalacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 6 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 150 years.
Its name comes from the Latin cerasus, the city of Cerasonte (now Turkey), where a Roman consul, Lucullus, bring it back to Rome. Its orange color dotted with red violet stains, is a beautiful wood.
Let me a comment on " Cerisier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Prunier
English : Plum tree
German : Pflaumenbaum
Italian : Prugno
Spanish : Ciruelo
Dutch : Pruimeboom
Origin : Asie mineure
Latin : Prunus domestica
Family : Rosacées-Amygdalacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 5 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.6 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 100 ans.
Since antiquity, it was introduced in Europe from the Near East. In the Middle Ages, the plum tree of Damascus, brought back by the Crusaders, was cultivated for its fruits.
Variable according to the variety, its timber orange to reddish brown with lighter shades, is a hardwood, with a tendency to burn when heated. Often used in small turning (can of "denteliĂšre", toy), I often used it as a spot of color in sculptures, where its polish is incredible.
Let me a comment on " Prunier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Amandier
English : Almond tree
German : Mandelbaum
Italian : Mandorlo
Spanish : Almendro
Dutch : Amandelboom
Origin : Asie, Moyen Orient
Latin : Prunus dulcis
Family : Rosacées-Amygdalacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 5 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : + than 50 years.
ts name comes from the Greek "amygdalia" also gave tonsils. After its installation in the Middle East, it was planted around the Mediterranean area. Specie wonderful to work for its dark orange color and also its bitter almond smell absolutely unique.
Let me a comment on " Amandier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Amboine
English : Amboyna
German : Indishes rozenholz
Italian : Sandalo rosso
Spanish : Amboina
Dutch : Amboina
Origin : Indes, Philippines, Birmanie
Latin : Pterocarpus indicus
Family : Fabacées
Country : Philippines, Malaisie
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 8 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.9 m
Density : from 0.7 to 0.8
Life : more than 300 years.
This is the name given to the wooden magnifier of Indies Padouk which presents a beautiful veining, slightly silky, for a nice orange. Used for an Italian client, which had provided me, I now reserve it only for the inclusions.
Let me a comment on " Amboine " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Padouk
English : African padauk
German : Afrikanisches padouk
Italian : Paduk
Spanish : Madera coral
Dutch : Padoek
Origin : Afrique tropicale
Latin : Pterocarpus soyauxii
Family : Fabacées
Country : Cameroun
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.5 to 1 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.85
Life : more than 200 years.
Native from Equatorial Africa, bright orange wood turning brown slowly under the light. And just look at the colour buffer coating at the end of the first pass, to make of the coloring power. The bark, which makes it a red powder, is often still used for that.
Despite its darker longitudinal streaks, its points clearer, the work is easy, the polishing even very easy, a real pleasure...
With a cut in quarter, we get a beautiful veining, with effects of depth, which give its name of "wood coral"
Let me a comment on " Padouk " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : ChĂȘne vert
English : Holm Oak
German : GrĂŒneiche
Italian : Leccio
Spanish : Encina
Dutch : Groene eik
Origin : Europe
Latin : Quercus ilex
Family : Fagacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 3 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.3 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 150 years.
The name "ilex" is due to the similarity of its leaves with those of holly, but it was he who gave his name to the holly, not the reverse. It also called yeuse, deformation of Provencal Euze. His wood kind of hard, which has a characteristic veining in standing timber, takes a splendid polished. This one to Filitosa, in southern Corsica, is magnificent.
Let me a comment on " ChĂȘne vert " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : ChĂȘne pĂ©donculĂ©
English : Oak tree
German : Eiche
Italian : Quercia
Spanish : Roble
Dutch : Eik
Origin : Europe
Latin : Quercus pedunculata.
Family : Fagacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1.2 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : from more than 2000 years.
His Greek name "Drus" means the tree in general ... This variety, which has acorns with a long stalk and leaves with very short stalk, is mainly located in the plains, because it likes the soil deep and well watered. Its high shape, with crooked branches, was often alongside our homes for several centuries. You can see the magnificent oak close to a barn in Saint Etienne des Champs.
And its wood, dense and heavy, fine-grained, has often veins of bronze color, in that case it should keep its natural color so beautiful ...
Let me a comment on " ChĂȘne pĂ©donculĂ© " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Robinier
English : Locust tree
German : Gemeine robinie
Italian : Robinia
Spanish : Acacia blanca
Dutch : Robinia
Origin : Amérique du Nord
Latin : Robinia pseudoacacia
Family : Fabacées-Papilionacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 7 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.6 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 300 years.
Wrongly called "Acacia", its name pays homage to Jean Robin, Parisian botanist who planted the first in Europe Place Dauphine in Paris in 1601. It was moved in 1635 to the Jardin des Plantes. It is also possible to see the one planted in 1602 in the square Saint Julien le pauvre, opposite the Island of the City...
Native to North America, it was first used as an ornamental tree before becoming a tree species planted across all Europe. Its flowers, clustered white, are wonderful in fritters and are also very appreciated by my bees. Its wood has a beautiful yellow pearly color, and is hard to work because of its hardness. It takes a beautiful depth when polishing. And as it does not rot, do not hesitate to use in outdoor furniture.
Let me a comment on " Robinier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Saule
English : White willow
German : Falber
Italian : Salice bianco
Spanish : Sauce blanco
Dutch : Wilg
Origin : Europe
Latin : Salix alba
Family : Salicacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 10 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.4 to 1 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.5
Life : + than 100 years.
It is the largest tree in the family of willow trees, trees from wetlands, easily recognizable because the beneath its leaves is pearly white. Until last century, often cut into tadpole, it was use to provide the wicker baskets, hoods, trunks...
Fluffy, light, I use it often as a "lost piece" for very fine carvings, but I started playing with its white-green pearly color for sculpture.
Let me a comment on " Saule " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Sorbier des oiseaux
English : Quickbeam
German : Vogelbeere
Italian : Sorbo degli uccellatori
Spanish : Serbal de cazadores
Dutch : Wilde Lijsterbes
Origin : Europe
Latin : Sorbus aucuparia
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.2 to 0.7 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : + than 100 years.
It was one of the sacred wood of the Celts... and remained in the popular tradition by becoming a sort of talisman for lovers.
It is also called the tree of thrushes, because these birds love its red berries, the " sorbes", which remain on the tree until the heart of winter.
Its wood is light brown to reddish, heavy, was formerly used as service tree, to manufacture jointers and planers. Very homogenous, great finesse, its grain is ideal for carving, neither too hard nor too soft.
Let me a comment on " Sorbier des oiseaux " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Cormier
English : Service tree
German : Eberesche
Italian : Sorbolo
Spanish : Serbal
Dutch : Lijsterbesboom
Origin : Bassin méditerranéen
Latin : Sorbus domestica
Family : Rosacées-Malacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 5 to 8 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : more than 500 years.
This is the domestic "service tree", before grown for its fruit, corms, small pears eaten ripe.
Because of its slow growth, he has a wood hard, dense, long used for planes, jointer plane and also slide rules. Close to pear tree for the texture and density, its color, light pink, remains constant with a lack of veining.
Let me a comment on " Cormier " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : If
English : Yew
German : Eibe
Italian : Tasso
Spanish : Tejo
Dutch : Taxusboom
Origin : Europe méridionale, Caucase
Latin : Taxus baccata
Family : Taxacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 15 m
Diameter : from 0 to 0.8 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : from 1000 years.
Its Latin name clearly announces things, Taxus means toxic because, except its red berries which are eaten by birds, everything else is. Because of its slow growth, it has a very tight timber, with beautiful orange color, although it must be careful in very fine sanding because its dust can be irritating. Planted when a monastic community was create in Viegeois (CorrĂšze), this Yew has proudly displays more than 1400 years to a diameter of 9 m...
Let me a comment on " If " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Thuya
English : Thuja
German : Lebensbaum
Italian : Tuja
Spanish : Tuya
Dutch : Levensboom
Origin : Amérique du Nord
Latin : Thuya plicata
Family : Cupressacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 4 to 20 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.6
Life : more than 400 years.
Originally from the west coast of North America, from California to Alaska, he was introduced to England around 1853... He owes its name to its strong odor that comes from the Greek "Thuia" designating an aromatic wood. It is often marketed under the name "red cedar", including the covering of houses.
Used by the Haida Indians for their canoes or their totems, its timber, easy to work, which do not rot, has an intoxicating aroma.
Let me a comment on " Thuya " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Tilleul
English : Lime
German : Linde
Italian : Tiglio
Spanish : Tilo
Dutch : Lindeboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Tilia vulgaris
Family : Tiliacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 2 to 5 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1 m
Density : from 0.4 to 0.5
Life : from 600 years.
This is the ideal specie for sculpture, like for "the lightness of flight", with its fine grain that allows forms very thin. But we soon learn to assayed the gesture because it is a soft wood, so fragile...And It's the tree that blooms in front of the window of the workshop,that my bees like so much...
A beautiful linden stands in front of the old Priory of Conques, in Sainte-CĂ©cile (Belgium) since over 600 years.
Let me a comment on " Tilleul " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Orme champĂȘtre
English : Elm
German : Ulme
Italian : Olmo
Spanish : Olmo
Dutch : Iepeboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Ulmus campestris
Family : Ulmacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 1 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 1.2 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : de 300...Ă 500 ans.
It is a fungus, Ceratostomella, transported by a small beetle, the beetle, which is responsible for the disease, the graphiose, which decimated this species...
Its hard wood was long used in woodworking. We could do everything for a house in helm : stairs, railings, doors, kitchen cabinet ... to highlight its grain so special with beautiful shades ranging from pale yellow to dark brown panels door...
And the port of the tree, how majestic ... have a look this one of Martailly les Briancion.
Let me a comment on " Orme champĂȘtre " one of the wood species of the xylotheque
French : Orme blanc
English : Mountain elm
German : Bergulme
Italian : Olmo montano
Spanish : Olmo de montaña
Dutch : Ruwe Iepelboom
Origin : Europe
Latin : Ulmus glabra
Family : Ulmacées
Country : France
Trunks of wood : from 3 to 10 m
Diameter : from 0.3 to 0.6 m
Density : from 0.6 to 0.8
Life : + than 70 years.
Also called mountain elm because it grows in mountainous, up to 1300m. Its leaves are larger than the elm, and it seems stronger than him face to the graphiose.
Its wood graining is a pearly white, which gave it its name. And when the tree has grown up wildly without any cut,, you get beautiful trays dotted with knots ... wonderful, but hard to work, and what a final.
Let me a comment on " Orme blanc " one of the wood species of the xylotheque